

During these unprecedented times we, as athletes, are dealing with something we’ve never had to worry about before ….. no races to do! So, as we seek to pinpoint the “why” and to make concrete our resolve, I thought it a good time to look a little deeper in to why we train….. We train to stay fit, to stay lean, because it’s who we are and what we do. We train to be our best, to always make gains & to get ahead. We train so that we can compete and be more ready than the next person when race day arrives. We know that excellence breeds more excellence, so we hone our habits, build our strengths and solve our weaknesses today. Race day has been delayed but that just gives you more time to be better than you would have been originally. Think of it as free time, that if you use it wisely, will take you to higher peaks than you previously thought possible. The time is now. There’s much to gain. Get out of the door. It’s there for the taking.