“Periodization” is a science based system of putting the building blocks of training in the correct order, so that you can maximize your gains as you progress. It applies to endurance training and strength training equally. Training is therefore completed in “phases”. Each phase has a specific focus and prepares the body for the more advanced training that comes next.

Each phase builds on the work done before it and creates a new stimulus to force your body to grow and adapt. This new stimulus is the key. We want to do enough of one type of training to create gains but then move on to a new stimulus before you stagnate. 

The order of phases and focus of training is often along these lines :

Base : Technique & aerobic development

Conditioning : As per Base + more volume

Pre-Strength : An increase in Volume & Intensity

Strength : Hill work & Maximal strength gains

Speed : Development of Threshold

Peak : VO2 focus and race skills

Race : your time to shine

Note that you can race at any time through the “season” but your key races should fall in the Peak and Race phases when you are at your highest level of complete fitness. For many athletes they will have 2 complete cycles of all phases in one season, for example, a Triathlete might build to an Olympic distance race peak mid summer followed by a phase of 70.3 or IRONMAN specific training for a fall event

Typically for my athletes these phases last 3-4 weeks and are built as follows:

Week #1 : Build Cycle

Week #2 : Build Cycle + 10-15%

Week #3 : Active Recovery & Field tests

In each phase you will therefore repeat the same training several times before moving on. Each time you will find that you accomplish it more accurately and you will also see improvements such as more weight lifted or more distance covered. This repetition therefore has its place and allows you to build confidence by giving you proof that you are improving week after week.

Practically this means that you will often repeat a particular type of cardio session 2-3 times before getting a different one. We start with lower intensity work and build over time to higher intensity sessions as it has been scientifically proven that peak speed will only come after having first built a solid aerobic base and strength endurance.

For strength training you will need to complete 6 sessions of a particular type of workout before moving on. We start with Anatomical Adaptation lifting to give you a solid and balanced structure to build on, then progress through more work to ensure your ligaments and tendons are ready prior to maximum strength and power lifting. Finally you will do muscular endurance work.

By doing this I am going to take you systematically through each phase of training building you systematically towards injury free, peak performance.
