We were all born to run and whether you are looking to compete or just run to feel alive, Coach Gareth can help you reach new heights in performance and health. Gareth started running cross-country when he was 11 and still loves to run. Running is more than just something to do to keep fit. It’s a lifestyle, a badge of honor. It’s how to explore new cities, challenge ourselves and live our peak every day.
For many, completing their first marathon or the local 5km is a life changing experience. It resets the possibilities and opens a door to a lifestyle that keeps on giving. Gareth has helped thousands of runners to hit their potential through the use of sound sports science and cutting-edge coaching techniques.
Whether it’s your first race, are looking to break your marathon PR or qualify for Boston, Gareth has been exactly where you are and knows exactly how to guide you. Let him help you to hit your peak potential. He can help you crack the mystic around what’s the best nutrition for the marathon too. More interested in Ultra, Half-marathon or 5/10km distances? Gareth can help you there too by maximizing your time, slashing your learning curve and covering all bases on your journey.
1. I want to qualify for Boston. Can Gareth help me? YES. Gareth is the results coach with hundreds of Boston qualifiers and finishers.
2. I want to do a Marathon. Can Gareth help me? YES. Gareth has trained thousands of Marathon finishers and winners from first-timers to seasoned Pro’s.
3. I want to do my first 10k. Is Gareth right for me? YES. With over 40 years of running experience, Gareth knows the sport inside out and can help you go from zero to hero.
4. I hate racing but want to train like a Runner. Can Gareth help me? YES. The running lifestyle offers a superb way to stay fit and in prime condition. It’s something that Gareth personally lives every single day.
5. Can I do other races as well as Running? YES. A well-rounded season plan will often call for and allow for other races to be included as part of a full development plan.
6. My time is really limited. Can I still be a good runner with only one hour a day to train? YES. The truth is that you will struggle to do the longer races with such limited time but Gareth will help you maximize the time that you DO have available by making sure that the program is perfectly custom to your life.
“With Gareth I am able to quantify my running improvements not just from race to race, but also throughout my training cycle. In just two years I’ve improved my marathon time by 25 minutes and qualified for the Boston marathon. Gareth gives me the tools to know how to manage my race performance over any distance and led me to successfully completing races from 26.2 to 100 miles”.
Lucia McIntosh // Age Group Marathon and Ultra Runner