Coach Gareth is a cycling addict. Every July during the Tour De France, he’s glued to the TV watching the gladiators on bikes traverse the Alps and Pyrenees. He knows your sport, loves doing it himself and can help you hit a level of performance you never previously dreamed was possible. It doesn’t matter if you want to race on the road, dirt or gravel or just ride to be the best you possible, Gareth can slash your learning curve and make your cycling experience more fulfilling than ever.
For many Cyclists, doing a Haute Route or Gran Fondo event is the holy grail. Gareth is especially qualified to help you with this. He can build you the perfect training program and help you crack the mystic around what’s the best nutrition for a Gran Fondo too. More interested in Time trials or Mountain Biking? He can help you there too by maximizing your time, slashing your learning curve and covering all bases on your journey.
Technology is such a key and fun part of cycling these days. Gareth’s plans have workouts that are built for ZWIFT and downloadable to your Garmin watch. He has been working with heart-rate monitors and powermeters for over 25 years, is no stranger to the windtunnel and the nuances of a proper bike fit. Let him help you to hit your peak potential.
1. I want to do the Leadville 100. Can Gareth help me? YES. Gareth is the results coach and has helped dozens of riders conquer this celebrated race.
2. I want to do a Gran Fondo. Can Gareth help me? YES. Gareth has trained thousands of Gran Fondo riders from first-timers to seasoned Pro’s.
3. I hate racing but want to train like a cyclist. Can Gareth help me? YES. The cycling lifestyle offers a superb way to stay fit and in prime condition. It’s something that Gareth personally lives every single day.
4. My time is really limited. Can I still be a good rider with only one hour a day to train? YES. The truth is that you will struggle to do the longer races with such limited time but Gareth will help you maximize the time that you DO have available by making sure that the program is perfectly custom to your life.
“I first worked with Coach Gareth in 2000 when I was a pro-MTB racer and immediately knew his attention to detail & scientific approach was a winning choice. Now 16 years later with a growing family and limited training time the precision of Gareth’s training plans allow me to not waste anytime and still chase my dreams.”
Jamey Yanik // US National Masters Cycling Champion, Top 5 Leadville 100 & Elite Xterra athlete